Program Philosophy

As Vince Lombardi said, “Winning isn’t everything, but striving to be the best is. This is the foundation of Skyhawks football philosophy. Football is demanding. It is a sport of discipline and will, requiring commitment and hard work. It takes a dedicated athlete. Football is not for everyone. However, playing football will give back to you far more than it will demand. Football provides a tremendous sense of accomplishment and pride. It fosters confidence, courage, and cultivates lifelong friendships. Being a football player is a state of mind, and it is an honor that only a few share. Although winning is always an objective and is important, our mandate as a Skyhawk is to be a person of respect, honour and integrity.
“How can I make the team better?” should be the question regularly asked throughout the season. Hard work, discipline, commitment, and sportsmanship are imperative. They are how we define a successful season and football program.
Being a committed member of the Skyhawks football team translates directly to behaving as a responsible member of our football club and our surrounding communities. We must always remember whom we represent.
Football and Family in the tradition of Skyhawks are never separated from the fabric of our organization. Our organization will never loose it roots that have been established through the heart of our community. If we lose the heart, we have lost our purpose. Family is and will always be the heart of Skyhawks Football!